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On December 14th, 2016 a meeting of experts on settlements in national currencies within the EAEU took place in the Eurasian Economic Commission under the guidance of Tatyana Valovaya, Member of the Board-Minister in charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the EEC. The following issues were discussed during the meeting.

• Analysis of settlements in national currencies within the EAEU current state practice.

• Identification of restrictions and obstacles to use of national currencies in the EAEU settlements.

• Developing measures to increase the use of national currencies in the EAEU settlements.

The experts from the central (national) banks and governments of the EAEU countries, the experts from the Interstate Bank, Eurasian Development Bank, Financial Research Institute by the Ministry of Finance, the National Payments Association, Moscow Exchange and representatives of business community took part in the meeting.


On November 18th, 2016 the Interstate Bank became a foreign member of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE). Following a decision of KASE Board of Directors dated November 10, 2016 the Interstate Bank was granted the foreign membership of KASE by category “currency”. This membership category means the right to take part in the FX trade.

The Interstate Bank is a member of the Moscow Exchange’s FX section and the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange’s FX section. The aim of the Interstate Bank is RUB/KZT and RUB/BYN FX operations and in the future – FX operations with other currencies of the Bank’s member states.

A meeting of the Interstate Bank’s Council was held on November 21th, 2016. Representatives of the following member-states of the Bank: Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation and Republic of Tajikistan, attended the meeting.

Round table in Financial Research Institute by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “Theory and practice of the national currencies appliance: new challenges and possibilities”.

On November 14-16th, 2016, The President of the Interstate Bank Mr. Igor Souvorov visited The Bank for International Settlements in Basel (Switzerland). Mr. Souvorov held a number of meetings with the Management of the BIS including Luiz Awazu Pereira da Silva, Deputy General Manager, Claudio Borio, Head of Monetary and Economics Department, Piet Clement, Head of Info &Collaboration, Juan Carlos Crisanto, Acting Chair of Financial Stability Institute and other representatives of the BIS.

On November 15th, 2016, the representatives of the Interstate Bank took park in the session of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry held by Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship Committee dedicated to the role of banking sector in supporting the development of business foreign economic activity.

On November 14th, 2016, the Interstate Bank together with the Eurasian Economic Commission and UNCTAD held an international seminar “Challenges and opportunities of the EAEU economic development: regional and global context”. The seminar was devoted to presentation of a new UNCTAD Trade and Development Report. Leaders of the EAEU, UNCTAD, IMF, World Bank were among the speakers. The representatives of the central (national) banks, finance ministries and economic ministries of CIS and the EAEU countries, diplomatic and academic circles took part in the seminar.


On November the 9th, 2016 the IV National Payments Forum took place in Moscow organized by the National Payments Association, the Association of Russian Banks and ROSSWIFT. The Interstate Bank was an official partner of the Forum.

The Interstate Bank held a session “Settlements in national currencies: development prospects”. Finding the most efficient and mutually profitable mechanisms of organizing settlements in national currencies for various payments services, as well as in the framework of trade relations development was the main purpose of the discussion.


On November 14th, 2016, the Interstate Bank together with the Eurasian Economic Commission and UNCTAD will organize an international seminar “Challenges and opportunities of the EAEU economic development: regional and global context”. The seminar is devoted to presentation of a new UNCTAD Trade and Development Report. Leaders of the EAEU, UNCTAD, IMF, World Bank are among the speakers. The representatives of the central (national) banks, finance ministries and economic ministries of CIS and the EAEU countries, diplomatic and academic circles are invited to the seminar.

The seminar will be held at 3/5, bld.1, Smolensky boulevard, Moscow (conference-hall 4th floor, room 408).

All interested are invited to confirm their participation to Yulia Rumyanceva before the 10th of November, 2016: +7(495)6692400 (ext.4698),

Contact person: Larissa Plachinda, Deputy head of Division of Cooperation in Conducting the Agreed Macroeconomic Policy of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy, +7(495) 6692400 (ext. 4655), e-mail:

The program is attached.


On October 26-27th, 2016, the 35th meeting of the Eurasian Council of Central (National) Banks took place in Bishkek (the Kyrgyz Republic).

The following issues were discussed:

  • Regulation of activities of microcredit (microfinance) organizations and activities of non-banking institutions.
  • Exchange of experience in regulating the activity of systemically significant and other relevant payments systems’ operators.
  • Exchange of experience in counteracting the legalization (laundering) of illegal incomes and financing of terrorism.
  • Professional education program for the personnel of central (national) banks for 2017.

On October 28th, 2016 the President of the Interstate Bank I. Souvorov took part in a meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of Governments in Minsk. More than 20 document projects on further development of the CIS cooperation were discussed during the meeting. The issues of economic interaction were of special attention.


On November 9th, 2016 the IV National Payments Forum will take place in Moscow organized by the National Payments Association, the Association of Russian Banks and ROSSWIFT. The Interstate Bank is an official partner of the Forum.

The Interstate Bank will organize a session “Settlements in national currencies: development prospects”. Finding the most efficient and mutually profitable mechanisms of organizing settlements in national currencies for various payments services, as well as in the framework of trade relations development is the main purpose of the discussion. The central (national) banks of CIS countries, the Eurasian Economic Commission, payment systems’ operators, credit organizations and retail trade companies are invited to the discussion.

The National Payments Forum is a platform for annual meeting of payment market participants that brings together over 600 delegates representing market regulators, credit organizations, payments systems, telecom operators. The program and conditions of participation in the Forum are placed at the official website

On October 26th, 2016, the representatives of the Interstate Bank took part in the Eurasian Week Forum & Expo held by the EAEU Member States and the Eurasian Economic Commission. The main focus of the Forum is “The EAEU in the global innovation agenda”.

On October 24th, 2016, the representatives of the Interstate Bank took part in the discussion on the presentation of the International Monetary Fund’s report “Regional Economic Outlook – 2016”, organized by the Eurasian Economic Commission.


On October 19th, 2016 the Committee on economic integration and external economic activity of The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI of Russia) held a meeting called «Perfection mechanisms of the financial infrastructure and monetary policy in the framework of the EAEU and CIS». The Interstate Bank became a co-organizer of the meeting.

The settlements in national currencies development, the improvement of the financial instruments of the mutual trade support and increasing availability of financial services for enterprises involved in the external economic activities were discussed during the meeting.

More information can be found at:


On October 13-14th, 2016 a conference “Financial regulation in EAEU: problems and prospects” took place at Lomonosov Moscow State University. President of the Interstate Bank I. Souvorov presented a report “The development priorities of the EAEU countries’ financial markets and banking sectors” at the plenary session of the conference. He mentioned that modern tendencies of the EAEU development should be considered in the context of global challenges when volatility in the foreign exchange and financial markets becomes the key factor of the new economic reality. This should become an incentive for efforts consolidation of the EAEU countries on such directions as enhancing financial stability and raising capitalization of their financial markets, development of financial instruments in national currencies, decreasing transaction costs, creating conditions for common financial market of the EAEU etc.

A special session “The role of financial infrastructure of the EAEU in the development of integrated currency market and operations in national currencies” was held by Moscow Exchange and the Interstate Bank. President of the Interstate Bank I. Souvorov moderated the session and presented a report “Development of operations in national currencies of the EAEU”. In his speech he disclosed the statistics of settlements by foreign trade contracts that witnessed the predominance of the US dollar in such settlements. It causes additional risks, a decrease in liquidity of the national currencies and limitation of financial instruments in national currencies etc.

To promote an increase of settlements in the EAEU national currencies one may and should activate inter-governmental agreements and government decisions, after due evaluation of all pros and contras, assumes Mr. Souvorov. It is necessary to take measures on fostering the economic, financial and currency potentials of the EAEU countries under condition of modernization of their economies, diversification of production and exports of goods.

In Mr. Souvorov’s opinion, enhancement of the national currencies’ attractiveness (first of all, of the Russian rouble) will be promoted, inter alia, by the integrated currency market, institute of market-makers, national currencies’ direct quotations and development of crossborder settlements’ systems in the EAEU.


On October 13-14th, 2016 the Faculty of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University together with the Eurasian Economic Commission will run an international conference “Financial Regulation within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU): problems and perspectives” to discuss further integration of the countries which have joined the EAEU. The conference will be held in Moscow.

The Moscow Exchange and the Interstate Bank will organize a special session “Role of the EAEU financial framework in the development of the integrated market and in promotion of transactions in national currencies” at the conference. Speakers from the central (national) banks and the exchanges of the EAEU member countries will participate in the session along with other professionals who will share their practical experience of operations at the integrated currency market.

The session program will be posted at the official sites of the Moscow Exchange, and the Interstate Bank

The program is attached. More detailed information about the conference is available at


On October 19th, 2016 the Committee on economic integration and external economic activity of The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI of Russia) together with the Interstate Bank are holding a meeting called «Perfection mechanisms of the financial infrastructure and monetary policy in the framework of EAEU and CIS».

The settlements in national currencies development, the improvement of the financial instruments of the mutual trade support and increasing availability of financial services for enterprises involved in external economic activities will be discussed during the meeting.

The program of the meeting is enclosed.


On September 28-29th , 2016 a group of experts consultation on preparation of the Eurasian Council of Central (National) banks meeting planned for the end of October 2016 in Bishkek (the Kyrgyz Republic) took place. The Interstate Bank performs the function of the Secretary of the Eurasian Council of Central (National) Banks.


On September 29th, 2016 Deputy President of the Interstate Bank Mr. A. Tchetyrkine attends the 3rd meeting of the Ministers of Finance and Governors of the national (central) banks of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states which is taking place in Bishkek (the Kyrgyz Republic).


On September 14th, 2016 the delegation of the Interstate Bank met with the management of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (JSC) in Almaty (the Republic of Kazakhstan). During the meeting the issue of the Interstate Bank’s joining the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange as a member was discussed.

The delegation of the Interstate Bank was headed by President Mr. Igor Souvorov. Chairman of the Management Board Ms. Alina Aldambergen and Deputy Chairman of the Management Board Ms. Natalya Khoroshevskaya represented the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (JSC).


On July 7th, 2016 representatives of the financial organizations of Russia and Turkmenistan held a working meeting at the Interstate Bank.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the Bank of Russia, the Central Bank of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Finance of Turkmenistan, the Russian Ministry for Economic Development, the Moscow Exchange, and Russian commercial banks.

Deputy President of the Interstate Bank Mr. A. E. Tchetyrkine made a presentation about the Interstate Bank and expanded upon the Bank’s activities in the CIS and EAEU member-states, including the settlements in national currencies. Further development of transactions with national currencies was one of the key topics discussed at the meeting.


The Interstate Bank participated in the XXV International Financial Congress “The Future of the Financial Markets” which took part in St. Petersburg between June 29th and July 1st, 2016.

This year the delegates of the Congress focused on the issues relevant for the entire financial industry, not merely the banking sector. The discussions on the most important topics in the financial sphere were attended by the Russian and international banks, insurance companies, pension funds and other financial market players, as well as by the central banks of the various countries and international financial institutions. The Bank of Russia representatives took part in every discussion contemplated by the business program.

At the Congress St. Petersburg Governor Mr. Georgy Poltavchenko and Bank of Russia Governor Ms. Elvira Nabiullina executed a Memorandum of Cooperation between the St. Petersburg Government and the Bank of Russia on the establishment and promotion of a new payment instrument, the “St. Petersburg All-in-One Card” based on the Mir national payment system.

With more than 1,000 participants from 34 countries in attendance the Congress became this year a forum bringing together all segments of the financial industry.


On June 24th in the City of Brest, the Republic of Belarus, there took place the 34th meeting of the Council of the Governors of the Central (National) banks of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan which was chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, Mr. Sergei Kalechits.

During the Council’s meeting the participants exchanged information on the results of the work and future of the banking systems, trends in the currency markets, state of condition of the payments balance, and dynamics of the international reserves of their countries. They touched upon also the issues related to the exchange of information and experience in the market infrastructure of the payment cards, cooperation among the central (national) banks in the coordination of approach towards the calculation of personal and cross-border money transfer indicators, further development of cooperation in the area of the personnel training.

The next meeting of the Council will take place in the second half of 2016 in the Kyrgyz Republic.

NB: the Interstate Bank performs the functions of the Secretariat of the Council of the central (national) banks’ governors.


New Table of Tarrifs of the Interstate Bank will become effective as from June 20, 2016


Pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 4, 2015 No. 450 “On Denomination of the Official Currency of the Republic of Belarus”, the Republic of Belarus will denominate the official currency, the Belarusian ruble, as from July 1, 2016.

Detailed information related to the denomination of the official currency of the Republic of Belarus is posted and available at the official site of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus at the following address:


Interstate Bank Annual Report 2015 can be found at "Our Banks" Annual report 2015.


Annual Financial Statements can be found at Financial Statements

A meeting of the Interstate Bank’s Council was held on April 22, 2016. Representatives of the following member-states of the Bank: Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation and Republic of Tajikistan, attended the meeting. The financial statements of the Interstate Bank for 2015 were approved.

The Interstate Bank began forex deals on FX market of JSC Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange


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Republic of Armenia

Building 26/1, Vasgen Sargisyan St., Office 806-807, Erebuni-Plaza Business Center, Yerevan, 0010. Tel.: +374 (10) 528 446

Republic of Belarus

36-1, Internatsionalnaya str., Office 521, Minsk, 220030. Tel.: +375 (17) 275 2523

Kyrgyz Republic

125/1, Toktogula Str., Avangard Business Center, Bishkek, 720001. Tel.: +996 (312) 97-50-61, +996 (312) 97-50-71


15, Shukhov Street, 115162, Moscow, Russian Federation

Tel.: +7 (495) 228-3100

Fax: +7 (495) 139-5464

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