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On December 21st, 2017 the second meeting of Expert Council on national currencies took place in the Bank of Russia. The representatives of the Interstate Bank, Eurasian Economic Commission and the Eurasian Development Bank contributed with presentations.


The Interstate Bank wishes everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


On November 13th, 2017, the Interstate Bank together with the Eurasian Economic Commission and UNCTAD held an annual International Macroeconomic Seminar “Global New Deal versus New Normality: Transition to Sustainable & Inclusive Economy?” The seminar was devoted to presentation of a new UNCTAD Trade and Development Report. Leaders of the EAEU, UNCTAD, IMF, World Bank were among the speakers. The representatives of the central (national) banks of the EAEU countries, diplomatic and academic circles took part in the seminar.


On November 13th, 2017, the Interstate Bank together with the Eurasian Economic Commission and UNCTAD will organize an annual International Macroeconomic Seminar “Global New Deal versus New Normality: Transition to Sustainable & Inclusive Economy?”

The seminar is devoted to the most topical issues of the world and regional economy development, analysis of current conditions, further progress forecast as well as promising avenues of integrational cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union countries.

The seminar will be held at 3/5, bld.1, Smolensky boulevard, Moscow (conference-hall 4th floor, room 408).

Registration is open until the 7th of November, 2017. Contacts are pointed in the program attached.


On October 18-19th, 2017 the representative of the Interstate bank took part in the High-Level Meeting on global and regional supervisory priorities for Central and Eastern Europe, which was held in Basel, Switzerland. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the Financial Stability Institute and the group of Banking Supervisors from Central and Eastern Europe were the coordinators of the meeting.

The topical issues of banking regulation and supervision guided by the mentioned organizations were discussed during the meeting.

On October 9-13th, 2017 in Tula the representatives of the Interstate Bank took part in the programme of professional training for personnel of the central (national) banks called “Current Issues of Monetary Policy”. The following topics were discussed during the seminar: Bank of Russia monetary policy strategy, monetary policy decision-making process, economic processes analysis and forecasting, etc.


On October 6th, 2017 the seminar “The Integrated Currency Market of the EAEU and Operations in National Currencies. Organization of Sponsored Market Access to the Exchange Market” took place at Moscow Exchange.

The development prospects for the EAEU integrated currency market, features of the opening accounts and exchange rate regimes in the EAEU and specificities of the client access to the exchange market for the EAEU residents were discussed during the seminar.

Please visit for updated analytical information


On October 6th, 2017 the representatives of the Interstate Bank took part in the sixth Armenian-Russian interregional forum in Yerevan (the Republic of Armenia).

The main topics of discussion were the development of Russian-Armenian interregional cooperation in the field of economy, science, culture and politics, perspectives for strengthening of relations between the countries, development of trade and investment relations.


Access for the webinar “The Integrated Currency Market of the EAEU and Operations in National Currencies. Organization of Sponsored Market Access to the Exchange Market”, which is to take place on 06.10.2017 at Moscow Exchange, will be open by link below: Ссылка на трансляцию

The program of the seminar “The Integrated Currency Market of the EAEU and Operations in National Currencies. Organization of Sponsored Market Access to the Exchange Market” which is to take place on 06.10.2017 at Moscow Exchange was updated. Registration is open until 04.10.2017


The integrated currency market of the EAEU and operations in national currencies. Organization of Sponsored Market Access to the exchange market


Organizers: Moscow Exchange, Interstate Bank, GROTTBJÖRN

Location: Moscow, ul. Vozdvizhenka, 4/7, building 1, room 7.100. The beginning time - 9:00.

The seminar is devoted to the topical issues of the development of the integrated currency market and operations in the national currencies of the EAEU countries, as well as the organization of Sponsored Market Access for EAEU residents to currency trading on the Moscow Exchange.

Representatives of the Bank of Russia, Central / National Banks of the EAEU countries, the Eurasian Economic Commission, leading banks and broker companies - participants in trading in the foreign exchange market, representatives of corporations, as well as foreign banks and financial organizations are invited to participate and speak at the forum.

Participation is free. Please register at


Kuprin Alexey, tel. +7 (495) 363-32-32 ext.25084, e-mail:


Kulikova Nina, tel. +7 (495) 228-30-93, e-mail:


Lebedeva Anastasia: e-mail:
Tel. 8 800 250 44 20 ext.1717 - for calls within the Russian Federation
Tel. +7 343 226 00 84 ext. 1717 - for international calls


On September 21st, 2017 the first meeting of Expert Council on national currencies took place in the Bank of Russia. The representatives of the Interstate Bank participated in the Council as members.

The President of the Interstate Bank I. Souvorov took part in the XV International banking forum "Russian Banks - XXI century" which is conducted by the Association "Russia". in Sochi


On August 29-31st, 2017 in Tula the representatives of the Interstate Bank took part in the programme of professional training for personnel of the central (national) banks of EAEU member states called “Liquidity Risk Regulation and Analysis: Basel Principles of Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision; Liquidity Ratios According to Basel III; Analysis of Banking Sector Liquidity Risks”. The following topics were discussed during the seminar: Basel liquidity risk management and supervision principles in credit organizations; national approaches applied by the Bank of Russia to liquidity market regulation; banking sector liquidity analysis in terms of monetary policy, etc.


On August 24-26th, 2017 the representatives of the Interstate Bank took part in the Eurasian Week 2017 in Astana (Republic of Kazakhstan). The Forum is a major annual business event aimed at the development of EAEU’s economy, investment and export potential and held by the Eurasian Economic Union Member States and the Eurasian Economic Commission. The initiative to establish the Eurasian Week was approved by the decision of Prime Ministers of EAEU Member States back in 2015.

The President of the Interstate Bank I. Souvorov participated in the discussion at the roundtable “Formation of the common financial market of the EAEU: advantages and challenges for the member states”, which was held in the framework of the Eurasian Week. Challenges of creating a common financial market of the EAEU by 2025 were discussed at the roundtable as well as harmonization of legislation in the financial market and prospects for the establishment of a financial center in Kazakhstan.



Межгосударственный банк проводит открытый конкурс по выбору аудиторской организации – аудитора финансовой отчётности Межгосударственного банка, подготовленной в соответствии с Международными стандартами финансовой отчетности (МСФО) за 2017 год.

Порядок проведения конкурса содержится в приложении 1 к настоящему информационному сообщению.

Конкурсная документация предоставляется аудиторским организациям в течение 5 дней с даты поступления письменного обращения, которое принимается Конкурсной комиссией не позднее, чем за 5 дней до окончания срока подачи заявок на участие в конкурсе.

Заявки аудиторских организаций на участие в конкурсе принимаются Конкурсной комиссией в письменном виде до 18:00 часов 04 сентября 2017 года по адресу 115162, Москва, ул. Шухова, 15, Межгосударственный банк. Форма заявки и требования к оформлению и содержанию заявки приведены в приложениях 2 и 3 к настоящему информационному сообщению.

Участником конкурса может быть аудиторская организация отвечающая требованиям к участникам конкурса по выбору аудиторской организации – аудитора годовой финансовой отчётности Межгосударственного банка (приложение 4).

Заявки направлять по адресу:

115162, Москва, ул. Шухова, 15, Межгосударственный банк (с пометкой «В Конкурсную комиссию по выбору аудиторской организации – аудитора финансовой отчётности Межгосударственного банка»).

Заявки направляются в запечатанных конвертах с указанием полного наименования аудиторской организации – участника конкурса.

Секретарь Конкурсной комиссии Игорь Валерьевич Ригин

тел +7 (495) 745 23 40, факс +7 (495) 745 23 40,

Приложение 1

Приложение 2

Приложение 3

Приложение 4


On July 13, 2017 the Moscow Exchange and the Interstate Bank signed the Agreement on cooperation aimed at promoting the development of a common currency market of the Eurasian Economic Union (the EAEU) member states. The agreement was signed in Saint-Petersburg within a framework of the International Financial Congress.

Pursuant to this document the Interstate Bank will provide services of the Sponsored Market Access (SMA) to the currency section of the Moscow Exchange to the banks from the CIS and the EAEU member states.

The SMA technology implemented at the currency section of the Moscow Exchange allows the customers of the trade sessions participants to submit orders directly to the trading system of the currency market. On the basis of such orders the applications are prepared and the transactions are effected in the name of the trade session participants but for the benefit and at the expense of the customers.


On July 13, 2017 the Interstate Bank’s President I.G. Souvorov made a presentation at the roundtable “Development of Cross-Border Payments in National Currencies”. The roundtable was held in the framework of the XXVI International Financial Congress in Saint-Petersburg.

Roscongress Photo Bank


The Interstate Bank is to take part in XX Annual Report Competition announced by Moscow Exchange and RCB Media Group. For further information, see:


On June 14-17th, 2017, the annual general meeting of members of the CIS International Exchange Association was held in Yerevan (Republic of Armenia).

An Interstate Bank representative made a presentation about the Interstate Bank and expanded upon the Bank’s activities, including settlements in national currencies.

Russian-Turkmen meeting on economic cooperation


On May 25th, 2017, the 16th meeting of the Subcommittee on Interbank and Investment Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan took place in Astrakhan.

The annual report of the Interstate Bank for 2016 was published in English on the official web site of the Bank.


On April 27-28th, 2017, the 36th meeting of the Eurasian Council of Central (National) Banks took place in Dilijan (the Republic of Armenia).

The following issues were discussed during the meeting:

• Performance bottom line and development prospects of the banking sector.

• Review of the currency marketsʼ current state and development trends.

• The economic performance indicators, current balance of payments and foreign reservesʼ dynamics.

• The analysis of the foreign currency payments related to the turnover of goods and services among the states.

The annual report of the Interstate Bank for 2016 was published in Russian on the official web site of the Bank.

On April 27-28th, 2017, the 36th meeting of the Eurasian Council of Central (National) Banks will take place in Dilijan (the Republic of Armenia).


On 10th of April,2017 a joint meeting of a banking sub-Committee of RSPP and international Committee of ARB devoted to the role of multi-lateral development banks In integration processes in the Big Eurasia.

The meeting, which was attended by a number of high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Russia and governmental bodies, as well as heads of development banks, industrial enterprises, commercial banks and academic circles, was co-chaired by ARB head G.Tosunian and one of the RSPP leaders S.K. Dubinin. An Interstate Bank representative took part in the general discussion.

On April 4th, 2017 a Round table on concept development of building an integrated financial market of the Eurasian Economic Union took place.

On March 28-29th, 2017 a group of experts’ consultation on documentation preparation of the Eurasian Council of Central (National) banks meeting planned for the end of April 2017 in Dilijan (Republic of Armenia) took place. The Interstate Bank performs the function of the Secretary of Eurasian Council of Central (National) Banks.

On March 17th, 2017 the President of the Interstate Bank I. Souvorov participated in the meeting of the CIS Economic Council.


On March 15th, 2017 the President of the Interstate Bank Mr. I. Souvorov made a presentation at the Russian Business Week International Forum “Integration in Greater Eurasia: Risks and Opportunities” on the topic: "Measures to stimulate settlements in national currencies in the Eurasian area".

On March 15th, 2017 the President of the Interstate Bank Mr. I. Souvorov will make a presentation at the Russian Business Week International Forum “Integration in Greater Eurasia: Risks and Opportunities” on the topic: "Measures to stimulate settlements in national currencies in the Eurasian area".

On March 2nd, 2017 a round table “Settlements in national currencies: modern practice and opportunities for Russia” took place in the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies. The representatives of the Interstate Bank took part in the discussion.

On February 28th, 2017 the representatives of the Interstate Bank took part in the meeting of subcommittee on financial statistics of EEC Statistics Advisory Committee. The issues of integration development program implementation in the area of EAEU statistics were discussed during the meeting.

On February 27th, 2017 the representatives of the Interstate Bank took part in the meeting of the Committee on economic integration and external economic activity of The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI of Russia) devoted to foreign trade statistics problems within the EAEU and CIS countries.

On February 20th, 2017 the extended meeting of RUIE Integration Council on interaction with the Eurasian Economic Commission took place. The agenda of the meeting: “Use of the national currencies in mutual settlements in the EAEU”. The President of the Interstate Bank I.G. Souvorov made a presentation on settlements in national currencies in the Eurasian area.


According to the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, on 20th of February, 2017 a widened meeting of Integration council of RUIE on cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Commission will take place. The agenda of the meeting: “Use of the national currencies in mutual settlements in the EAEU”.

The meeting will be chaired by the RUIE Vice-president A.V. Murychev. Speeches of RUIE President A.N.Shokhin, Interstate Bank President I.G. Souvorov and EEC Board member (Minister) on integration and macroeconomics T.D. Valovaya are envisaged.

The Interstate Bank began to trade in foreign currency on KASE

On February 6th, 2017 a meeting of the EEC Expert and Science Council devoted to “Development prospects of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of global trends and challenges” took place.


The Interstate Bank is conducting a survey on the prospects of settlements in national currencies within the EAEU. All interested parties are invited to fill in the form enclosed and send it to:

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Republic of Armenia

Building 26/1, Vasgen Sargisyan St., Office 806-807, Erebuni-Plaza Business Center, Yerevan, 0010. Tel.: +374 (10) 528 446

Republic of Belarus

36-1, Internatsionalnaya str., Office 521, Minsk, 220030. Tel.: +375 (17) 275 2523

Kyrgyz Republic

125/1, Toktogula Str., Avangard Business Center, Bishkek, 720001. Tel.: +996 (312) 97-50-61, +996 (312) 97-50-71


15, Shukhov Street, 115162, Moscow, Russian Federation

Tel.: +7 (495) 228-3100

Fax: +7 (495) 139-5464

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