Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer or mobile device when you visit the Interstate Bank website, INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) 9909400764, location address: 15 Shukhov St., Moscow, 115162, hereinafter referred to as the Bank. As a rule, these files do not take up much space on your device and are automatically deleted when they expire. Some cookies are used before an Internet connection session, while others are saved for a limited period of time.
By continuing to access the website, you express your consent to the Bank for automated processing of your data (cookies, information about user’s actions on the website, date and time of session, geolocation, website referral identifiers, as well as other information related to the use of Yandex.Metric software), with the following actions: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction, transfer (granting access) to the Bank’s counterparties that render services related to the aforementioned metric software, to improve the website’s operation.
Most browsers automatically accept the use of cookies, but you have the ability to control your browser settings to block or remove them. To refuse the use of cookies, you need to disable cookies yourself in your browser settings.
Cookies policy